My brother was a sweet seventeen year old. While most teenagers seem to push
their family away, Daniel was never like that. He never went through that
selfish stage where he was more concerned with hanging out with his friends. No
matter what, Daniel always made time for me and our parents. We didn’t even have
to say anything. Sometimes he would just walk up to me and ask me if I wanted to
go out to lunch or go catch a movie. He loved to spend time with us, just like
he did with everyone.
Daniel and I used to go to the movies at least every two weeks. He loved to
watch scary movies. Another way that he loved to pass the time was to go fishing
with our father. They would spend all day on the water, and then bring home
dinner. Then they would clean them together and fry them up, making the most
delicious fish that you have ever tasted.
My mother was always the one that made the batter though. I’ll never forget
the many times she tried to show my brother how to make the batter, and every
time he would put in too much of this or too much of that. In the end, I and my
mother did that part. Daniel loved it that way though, because the entire family
got involved in fishing and cooking them. He loved to have the whole family
together more than anything. With how busy our schedules were, it rarely
I’m glad Daniel either didn’t know how to make that batter, or intentionally
messed it up to include me and our mother. I’m glad that we had that time
together as a family. My brother was truly one of a kind. I’ll miss the sweet
little things that he did, and the way that he used to brag about how many fish
he caught.
I’ll miss his wonderful sense of humor.
More than anything, I’ll always miss the family time that we had together.
Things won’t be the same without Daniel, but he’s in a better place now.