I really don't know if I can do my grandma justice with my view of her, but I
am going to try. This is the last gift that I can give to her, my caring words,
and the knowledge that I tried my best to express how wonderful she was. She was
so many things to so many people. We have all lost such a special person, but
she left a legacy and instilled her values in her children and her
grandchildren. Her family values were the most important and she always made
sure we minded in her household. She ran a tight ship, but she did it with love.
There wasn’t anything that woman did that she didn’t do with her whole heart.
She loved making people happy and didn’t want anyone to have to go without.
She was a caring mother, my own mother has told me so many stories of how she
worked so hard to keep up her family and sacrificed so much for her children.
She always enjoyed life, and kept her family happy. She would make them laugh
and play with them. She would teach them to sew and cook and enjoy life. My
grandmother taught me all these things and so much more. She taught me to be
myself, and helped me with my school work. She would come and talk to the class
when we had American History week in school; she loved to tell stories, and was
really good at it. Anything she could do to put a smile on her families’ face or
make something easier for them, she would do it. Her and my grandfather had a
model relationship, and they were so happy together you couldn’t help but feel
joy when you were around them.
She stood up for what she believed in and didn’t take any crap off of anyone.
I always laughed when she wouldn’t let people make her move her cart in the
grocery store, or she would be rude right back to a sales clerk that was rude to
her. I admired how she always handled these situations without losing her
dignity or grace. These kinds of things were important to her, she didn’t want
us to see her back down when she was right.
I thought my Grandmother was the smartest woman in the world, and I still do.
I don’t think there was anything that she couldn’t do. She was a very bright and
talented lady. Her paintings hang in my home and every time I walk by I marvel
at their beauty. Grandmother saw things differently and painted them as such. I
can’t express how much love I feel for all she taught me and all she was. I also
can’t express how much pain I am in from the loss of her from my life. I just
feel lucky that I had as many years as I did to spend time with her. I love you
Grandmother and I’ll see you when I get there, we’ll all see you when we get