Henry was a fantastic man, and it is going to be hard for me to put into
words how much I am going to miss him. He gave me two beautiful children, and
they gave us four beautiful grandchildren who were the apple of their
grandfather's eye. He really loved to spoil his family, they meant everything to
him. He had a lust for life, and loved to get out of the house with me and just
walk or go on mini adventures. He was full of energy and loved to make people
happy. There wasn’t anyone of our friends and family that didn’t know they could
call of him for anything, he would give you the shirt off of his back without a
second thought. I look back over our life together with nothing but joy and
happiness, sure we had some rough patches, but the love we had for one another
always brought us through it.
Even at a young age my Henry had a desire to always fix things. He loved
taking things apart and putting them back together. There were so many
electronics strewn around the house that he was working on, and he loved telling
me how things worked. I was happy to listen because his eyes would light up and
he enjoyed including me in his passion. Up until the end he was still tinkering
with things even when he had to pull a little table up to his easy chair because
it was hard for him to stand. Another thing he loved to do was listening to
Frank Sinatra. Whenever I hear him croon I will feel like my husband is still
with me. I know he is with me in spirit and he is certainly in my heart. He was
the rock of our family and his loss is felt tremendously, but I see the values
he instilled in our children being passed down to theirs and I know he is so
proud of each and everyone.
Henry was my soul mate, my best friend, and the best father to my children.
He adored all of our grandchildren and was very proud of his family. Playing
with his grandchildren was one of his favorite things to do. He could play
pretend as good as any seven year old could and I would laugh at how cute he
would be attending the girl’s tea parties. He worked hard all his life to
provide for us and make sure we were well taken care of. No matter whether he
had a hard day at work or not he would always come home with a smile and a kiss.
Sometimes he would have gifts for the children who were just happy he was home.
How they adored their father, their hero.
I know Henry is in a better place, and that we will see each other again
someday, but I will miss him every day and keep him with me until we see each
other again.